Walter Ewing, the author of "Are Illegal Immigrants Good for the U.S. Economy?", explains that undocumented immigrants are helping our economy grow, but the immigration system is preventing our economy from fully prospering. From what I know immigrants can bring a lot benefits to the U.S. because they will contribute to the economy and also bring knowledge and skills.
My family has benefited this country ever since we came here from Colombia in February of 2002. We continue to pay our taxes even though we do not receive any kind of benefits. All of our family are really close, So each and every weekend i call my family back home. But in order to called them we have to buy pay phone cards because it is really expensive if we called without one. We also have to send money to help my grandmother pay for her medication, who has been battling Parkinson's for a while now. In many ways we have contributed for the grows of this countries economy. As the article says " undocumented immigrants also spend billions of dollars each year, which supports our economy and help create new jobs". Without undocumented immigrants the U.S would not be able to get as much money as they can help the broken economy.
Immigrants come to this country with different knowledge and skills that could really be useful to this country. I saw on the news this story about a boy whose dream ever since he was little was to be part of the military. He worked really hard in school getting the highest scores on his classes. He was even the leader of his school military drill team and brought his team victories against others schools, many of his fellow class mates and teacher thought he was a great leader. Even though he was more than qualified to serve the military. He wasn't able because he was undocumented. According to the article " workers who are not part of an underground economy and don't live in fear of deportation are better to acquire new job skills and move up the career ladder". Many immigrants like this boy could be helping the U.S. by bringing skills and knowledge from different places and not able to gain their status is hurting this country.
Undocumented immigrants bring many benefits to the U.S and the benefits would be even greater if they were able to get a legal status. The U.S is made up of immigrants and denying undocumented immigrants would be really wasting some useful skills and powerful minds.
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